Assets Historical

Retrieves the historical minute by minute price for the specified asset (for example DAI) in WETH.

NOTE: DeFi Price is a reference rate established by trade data.


Price Data Calculations

All prices are only calculated from data collected in Uniswap v2, Uniswap v3, Sushiswap and Uniswap clones.


Blockchains Supported

This endpoint only supports data from ethereum-mainnet.


Time Range Limit

The maximum time range (difference between startDate and endDate) is:

  • 1 day with minutely data
  • 31 days with hourly data
  • 1 year with daily data


Not specifying startDate and endDate

If the startDate and endDate query parameters are not provided, the API will return the data from the previous 24 hours with a 1 minute frequency.

Response Data

timestampnumber | stringThe timestamp at which the price was executed.
pairstringThe asset contract address.
pricestringPrice associated with the asset.
volumestringAsset volume traded.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!