What's Included in Your Subscription

The details below allow you to keep track of what features your subscription is entitled to.

REST API + Real-time

Please note that Amberdata uses Websockets for real-time data delivery.


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Bulk-data Delivery

How to interpret the table below

The columns (besides Data Type Tags) are the SKUs available to purchase for your subscription.

If a SKU column cell is empty for a dataset i.e. Daily Address Activity for Wallet Intelligence, it means that the dataset is not part of that SKU.

If a SKU column cell is filled for a dataset i.e. ETF Holding ($) for Market Insights, the values of the cell indicate which bulk delivery options are available for the dataset. For the aforementioned example, Snowflake. And looking at another example, Snowflake and BigQuery for Options Decorated Trades in Derivatives Analytics.


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