Ethereum Active Validators

Note: This dataset is updated daily and is available via Databricks, Google BigQuery, and Snowflake.


Very simply, how many active validators are on the Ethereum network at a given point in time. Understanding the number of validators is important for several reasons:

Network Health and Security: The Ethereum network relies on validators to secure and validate transactions through the Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. Knowing the number of active validators helps assess the overall health and security of the network. A higher number of validators typically indicates a more decentralized and secure network, as it becomes more difficult for a single entity or a small group of validators to control the network.

Decentralization: Decentralization is a fundamental principle of blockchain networks like Ethereum. A higher number of validators implies a more distributed and decentralized network, which is less susceptible to censorship, attacks, or manipulation by a single entity. It helps ensure that the decision-making power is distributed among a larger and diverse set of participants.

Trust and Transparency: Transparency in the operation of a blockchain network is essential for users and developers. Knowing the number of validators and their behavior provides transparency into the network's operation, allowing participants to have more confidence in the system's integrity and security.

Validator Economics: For individuals or entities considering becoming validators on the Ethereum network, knowing the number of existing validators is important for assessing the economic incentives and potential rewards for participating in network validation. It helps potential validators make informed decisions about their participation.

Use Cases


Monitor validators as it impacts yield on staking ETH. It is the base from which all liquid staking tokens derive their yield.


Wants to know the number of validators on the Ethereum network to gauge its decentralization and security for their research and investment analysis.


Would find this metric valuable for studying network dynamics, governance, and the implications of validator distribution on blockchain performance and ecosystem stability.


Active Validators = sum(validators created) - sum(validators offline)

Frequently Asked Questions

How often is this chart updated?

  • Daily.

Does this include any L2 data or just Ethereum?

  • This chart is strictly Ethereum. We will add additional chains in the future.