Instruments Most Traded
The Instruments Most Traded endpoint aggregates total trading volume by option instruments across selected exchanges and currency types. It provides insights into which instruments are the most frequently traded, offering a snapshot of trading activity.
The endpoint includes the following data fields:
- Exchange: The exchange where the trading data was collected.
- Currency: The currency type involved in the trading activity.
- Instrument: The specific option instrument being traded.
- Contract Volume: The total volume of contracts traded for the instrument.
Exchange | Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD) | Granularity |
Deribit | 2019-08-23 | Tick-level |
Bybit, Lyra, Thalex, OKEX | 2024-06-01 | Tick-level |
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What does the total contract volume indicate?
A: The total contract volume shows how many contracts of a specific option instrument have been traded. It helps to understand the trading activity for that instrument.
Updated 7 months ago