Market Data Endpoint Migration

We’ve redesigned all of our market data endpoints to be familiar and simpler to use, resulting in the following benefits:

  1. Combining the separate /latest and /historical endpoints for each data type.

  2. Consistent pagination for large queries.

  3. Increased max range of 2 years (731 days) for startDate and endDate.

  4. Combining futures and swaps endpoints.

  5. Deprecation of /latest and /historical endpoints

  6. Removal of /api/v2 in the path

Phase 1 of this initiative was the the consolidation of /latest and /historical for Spot, Futures and Swaps, which can be found here. All the endpoints listed in the column Legacy (Deprecated) Endpoints were officially deprecated on June 28, 2024. These endpoints were shut off and are no longer being supported.

Phase 2 is the consolidation of Options, Reference/Information, and all OHLCV endpoints. This is currently in progress and the API documentation is up-to-date with the new endpoints. We are working closely with our customers to migrate to these new endpoints and will be announcing an official deprecation date for the legacy endpoints soon.

Phase 3 is the final piece of this initiative, where we will be making a final decision on whether or not to keep or deprecate Batch endpoints - this work is planned for early 2025.