
Retrieves the historical (time series) liquidations data for the specified futures instrument.


Time Range Limit

The maximum time range (difference between startDate and endDate) is 731 days (2 years).


Not specifying startDate and endDate

If the startDate and endDate query parameters are not provided, the API will return the data from the previous 24 hours.

JSON Field/PathValue TypeDescription
payload.metadata.nextstringThe URL for the next page of data (nullable if there is no next page).
payload.metadata.api-versionstringThe version of the API used for this request.
payload.data[].instrumentstringThe instrument or trading pair involved in the liquidation (e.g., BTCUSDT).
payload.data[].exchangestringThe name of the exchange where the liquidation occurred (e.g., binance).
payload.data[].exchangeTimestampintegerThe timestamp from the exchange when the liquidation was recorded.
payload.data[].exchangeTimestampNanosecondsintegerThe nanoseconds part of the timestamp, representing sub-second precision (usually 0).
payload.data[].actionstringThe action associated with the liquidation (nullable if not applicable).
payload.data[].orderIdstringThe ID of the order associated with the liquidation (nullable if not available).
payload.data[].sidestringThe side of the trade, either BUY or SELL.
payload.data[].statusstringThe status of the order (e.g., FILLED).
payload.data[].timeInForcestringThe time-in-force instruction (e.g., IOC for Immediate or Cancel).
payload.data[].typestringThe type of the order (e.g., LIMIT).
payload.data[].pricefloatThe price at which the liquidation was executed.
payload.data[].volumefloatThe volume involved in the liquidation.
payload.data[].unitstringThe unit of the volume (e.g., base_asset).
payload.data[].positionTypestringThe position type of the liquidation (e.g., SHORT).
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