DEX Protocols Information

Retrieves information about the supported liquidity pools across blockchains and DEX protocols.

Response Data

Fields and paths are relative to the top-level payload field i.e. is equivalent to

JSON Field/PathValue TypeOptionalDescription
data[index].blockchainstringThe blockchain this liquidity pool is deployed on.
data[index].firstKnownTradeDatestringThe timestamp of the first trade that was executed for this liquidity pool.
data[index].lastKnownTradeDatestringThe timestamp of the most recent trade that was executed for this liquidity pool.
data[index].liquidityPoolAddressstringThe smart contract address of this liquidity pool.
data[index].poolComposition[index].assetAddressstringThe smart contract address of the asset in this pool.
data[index].poolComposition[index].assetDecimalsintegerThe decimal count to normalize the native amounts of this asset by.
data[index].poolComposition[index].assetSymbolstringThe short-form abbreviated identifier for this asset.
data[index].protocolNamestringThe human readable name of the DEX protocol the liquidity pool is part of.


Related Endpoints

This information can be used in the following endpoints

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