
Retrieves the historical time series liquidations for the specified instrument and exchange(s).


Important Update

The old endpoint https://api.amberdata.com/market/options/liquidations/{instrument}/historical has been updated to https://api.amberdata.com/markets/options/liquidations/:instrument. The old endpoint will be deprecated on 2024-09-30. Please update your integrations accordingly.

See changes here
  • Endpoint URL Change:
    • Old: https://api.amberdata.com/market/options/liquidations/{instrument}/historical
    • New: https://api.amberdata.com/markets/options/liquidations/:instrument
  • Metadata Changes:
    • startDate and endDate fields removed from the response
    • next and api-version fields added to the response
  • Data Structure Changes:
    • The data structure remains an array of JSON objects, but the fields within each object have changed.
  • Field Changes:
    • Removed the timestamp and sequence fields from the old response
    • New fields instrument, exchangeTimestamp, exchangeTimestampNanoseconds, tickDirection, markPrice, and indexPrice were added to the new response
  • Other
    • The exchange parameter is now required.
    • Include the Accept-Encoding: header in your API requests to take advantage of compressed responses.


Time Range Limit

The maximum time range (difference between startDate and endDate) is 1 year.

{metadata}objectThe metadata associated with the data.
{metadata}.startDatenumber or stringThe first date/time for which data is available.
{metadata}.endDatenumber or stringThe last date/time for which data is available.
[data]arrayThe liquidation data corresponding to the columns fields, aggregated by exchange.
[data].exchangestringThe name of the exchange, as specified by the filter provided or representing the supported exchanges for this instrument.
[data].timestampnumber or stringThe time at which the liquidation occurred.
[data].originalQuantitynumberThe original quantity before the liquidation occurred.
[data].pricenumberThe price of the instrument at the time of the liquidation.
[data].sidestringThe direction of the trade.
[data].statusstringThe status of the liquidation.
[data].typestringThe type of liquidation.
[data].timeInForcestringHow long the order is to remain active before it is executed or expires, for example:

- IOC: immediate-or-cancel
- FOK: fill-or-kill
- GTC: good-'till-canceled
- etc
[data].actionstringThe type of action taken during the liquidation process (for example: delete, insert, update, etc).
[data].orderIdstringThe order identifier.
[data].unitstring | nullThe units are on originalQuantity
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!