Transactions - By Address

Retrieves the transactions where this address was either the originator or a recipient.

Note that transactions are returned in descending order by default (block number and transaction index), which means the most recent transactions are on page 0, and the oldest transactions are on the last page.

If you intend to traverse all the transactions, it is recommended to specify the flag direction=ascending, which will guarantee that the pagination is stable and will not change with the arrival of new transactions.


Blockchains Supported

This endpoint supports Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin and Ethereum.


recordsarrayAn array containing objects containing data pertaining to the specified transaction.
hashstringThe transaction hash.
confirmationsstringThe total number of confirmations.
noncestringThe number of transactions sent from an address (this is typically used to prevent double spending for example).
blockHashstringThe block header hash of the block containing this transaction.
blockNumberstringThe blocknumber of the block which contains the specified transaction.
indexstringThe index of the transaction within the block.
sizenumber(ONLY FOR UTXO CHAINS) Size of the transaction.
virtualSizenumber(ONLY FOR UTXO CHAINS) Virtual size of the transaction.
fromobjectContains the details about the sending address. i.e. the address of the account.
addressstringThe address hash of the sender.
toarrayContains object that hold data about the recipient address(es).
iconstringThe image icon of the asset (where applicable).
addressstringThe address hash of the recipient.
valuestringThe scalar value equal to the number of units (in Ethereum Wei) to be transferred to the message call’s recipient or, in the case of contract creation, as an endowment to the newly created contract. See full value conversion reference here.
inputstringThe input data to the function.
inputSizenumberThe size in bytes of the input data.
logsBloomstringThe Bloom filter composed from indexable information (logger address and log topics) contained in each log entry from the receipt of each transaction in the transactions list.
feestringThe transaction fee.
gasPricestringThe gas price at the time of the transaction.
gasLimitstringThe gas limit of the transaction.
cumulativeGasUsedstringThe total gas used up to and including the transaction.
gasUsedstringTotal gas used by the transaction.
contractAddressstringIf the transaction created a contract it will be the contract address and null otherwise.
maxFeePerGasnumberMaximum amount that can be paid to validate and include this transaction in the blockchain.
maxPriorityFeePerGasnumberFees which go to the miner, also known as tips or inclusion fees.
noncestringThe nonce of the transaction.
rawstringThe signed transaction in Recursive Length Prefix (RLP) encoded form.
rootstringThe transaction root hash.
sstringECDSA digital signature s (32 bytes) generated by private key and used to validate the sender of the transaction.
typenumberThe transaction type:
0 - legacy
2 - EIP 1559
rstringECDSA digital signature r (32 bytes) generated by private key and used to validate the sender of the transaction.
statusstringThe status of the transaction.
0x1 - success
0x0 - failed
statusResultobjectContains details about the transaction status.
decodedTransactionInputstringThe 'input' field of transactions decoded, using the ABI of the involved contract .
codestringThe status of the transaction:
null - pending
0x1 - success
0x0 - failed
confirmedbooltrue if the transactions has been confirmed false otherwise.
successboolIndicates the success or failure of a transaction:
null - pending
true - success
false - failed
namestringThe string representation of the transaction status:

- 'pending'
- 'failed'
- 'successful'
numLogsstringThe total number of logs contained within this transaction.
timestampnumberThe time of when the transaction was confirmed.
timestampNanosecondsnumberThe nano second part of the timestamp, where applicable.
blockchainIdstringThe id of the blockchain on which the transaction resides.
vstringUsed by ECDSA to recover correct public key when validating signature of transactions. Combination of recovery id and chain id.
publicKeystringThe public key hash.
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