Search Assets

Filter and identify various assets indexed by ARC.


Requires an Amberdata Subscription

The ARC dataset is open-source and is available on ( However, access to this API endpoint requires a valid and active Amberdata API key. Please contact your Amberdata Account Executive for more information.


Dataset Freshness & SLA

All updates to ARC must pass human review before being published. The dataset is updated at least once a week, and at most once per day. Refer to the updatedAt property in the API response to identify when the dataset was last refreshed.

Response Data

Fields and paths are relative to the top-level payload field i.e. is equivalent to

JSON Field/PathValue TypeOptionalDescription
data[index].assetSymbolstringThe short form abbreviated identifier for the asset.
data[index].assetNamestringThe complete human readable identifier of the asset.
data[index].assetArcIdstringThe unique identifier for this asset within Amberdata
data[index].classificationTagsstring[]A list of tags that identify the use-cases and context of the asset

Filtering Behavior

  • assetName - This filter is an exact (case-sensitive) match i.e. filterBy=assetName&filterValue=Bitcoin will only match asset(s) with names exactly matching Bitcoin
  • assetNameLike - This filter is a fuzzy (case-sensitive) match i.e. filterBy=assetNameLike&filterValue=bit will match any asset(s) with names that contain the substring bit
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!