Retrieves all token transfers involving the specified address.
If you intend to traverse all the token-transfers, it is recommended to specify the flag direction=ascending
, which will guarantee that the pagination is stable and will not change with the arrival of new token-transfers.
Blockchains Supported
This endpoint supports Ethereum and Polygon.
Response Data
Field | Type | Description |
records | array | Array of token transfer objects. |
totalRecords | number | Total number of token transfers returned in the response. |
amount | string | The amount transferred in the smallest unit of the blockchain. For instance, wei with Ethereum. Important note: If the token type is ERC721, the amount value represents the token id |
blockHash | string | The header hash of the block containing this token transfer. |
blockNumber | string | The number of the block containing this token transfer. |
blockchainId | string | The id of the blockchain on which the transaction resides. |
decimals | string | The number of significant digits, per smart contract definition (-1 means that information was not advertised by the contract). |
from | object | The address hash of the sender. |
isERCX | boolean | true if the token is ERCX false otherwise. |
logIndex | string | The index of the log in the transaction. |
name | string | The token name. |
symbol | string | The token symbol. |
timestamp | number | The time of when the transaction was confirmed. |
timestampNanoseconds | number | The nano second part of the timestamp, where applicable. |
to | array | The address hash(es) of the recipient(s). |
tokenAddress | string | The address of the token contract. |
transactionHash | string | The hash of the transaction. |