Batch Historical

Retrieves the historical time series OHLCV data for the specified exchange and instrument(s).


Time Range Limit

The maximum time range (difference between startDate and endDate) is 1 day.


Not specifying startDate and endDate

If the startDate and endDate query parameters are not provided, the API will return the data from the previous 24 hours with a 1 minute frequency.

{metadata}objectThe metadata associated with the data.
{metadata}.startDatenumber | stringThe first date/time for which data is available.
{metadata}.endDatenumber | stringThe last date/time for which data is available.
[data]arrayThe OHLCV data corresponding to the columns fields, aggregated by exchange.
[data].instrumentstringThe name of the instrument.
[data].timestampnumber | stringThe time at which the event occurred.
[data].opennumberThe value when the bar/time interval started.
[data].highnumberThe highest value within the bar/time interval.
[data].lownumberThe lowest value within the bar/time interval.
[data].closenumberThe value when the bar/time interval closed.
[data].volumenumberThe volume within the bar/time interval.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!