Metrics Historical - Confirmed Transactions

Get metrics for historical confirmed transactions for a given blockchain.
Default metrics are for Ethereum over a 1d tick / 365d lookback period. Changing the header blockchain ID will return that blockchains metrics.


Blockchains Supported

This endpoint supports Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum and Litecoin.

Response Data

timestampstringThe timestamp signifying this "tick" of data, this is the time of the close of a tick, in the case of 1d tick, it would be the timestamp of UTC midnight. Default is ISO, but supports MS
feesAveragestringThe average amount of fees for the given time frame "tick" (24h) in the base unit for the blockchain. See full value conversion reference here.
feesAverageUSDstringThe fees average in USD per "tick".
feesTotalstringThe total amount of fees for the given time frame (24h) in the base unit for the blockchain. See full value conversion reference here.
feesTotalUSDstringThe fees total in USD.
transactionsTotalstringThe total number of transactions confirmed in the blocks during this time frame
valueAveragestringThe average amount of value for the given time frame "tick" (24h) in the base unit for the blockchain. See full value conversion reference here.
valueAverageUSDstringThe value average in USD per "tick".
valueTotalstringThe total amount of value for the given time frame (24h) in the base unit for the blockchain. See full value conversion reference here.
valueTotalUSDstringThe value total in USD.
functionsTotalstringThe total number of contract function calls confirmed in the transactions during this time frame. (Only applies to blockchains supporting contracts)
gasPriceAveragestringThe average gas price used in the transactions during this time frame. Unit is in wei. (Only applies to EVM blockchains)
inputsAveragestringThe average amount of inputs for the given time frame "tick" (24h) in the base unit for the blockchain.
inputsTotalstringThe total number of transaction inputs confirmed in the blocks during this time frame
outputsAveragestringThe average amount of outputs for the given time frame "tick" (24h) in the base unit for the blockchain
outputsTotalstringThe total number of transaction outputs confirmed in the blocks during this time frame
confirmationTimeAveragestringThe average time between when transactions are first seen in the pending transactions pool, until the time they are confirmed on-chain in a block
valuestringThe number of Ether transferred from address to address in the transactions (could be EOAs or contracts)
feestringThe fees paid by the senders to get the transactions confirmed on-chain
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