Balances Batch

Retrieves the latest account and token balances for the specified addresses.
This is super useful if you want to get an entire portfolio's summary in a single call. Get totals for ETH & all token amounts with market prices.


Blockchains Supported

This endpoint supports Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin and Polygon.

Response Data

[ADDRESS]stringThe object containing detailed data about the address's balances.
balancestringThe current balance of the account. See full value conversion reference here.
balanceInstringTotal ETH received by the address. See full value conversion reference here.
Only available for the Ethereum blockchain.
balanceOutstringTotal ETH sent by the address. See full value conversion reference here.
Only available for the Ethereum blockchain.
tokensarrayContains arrayof token data objects.
addressstringThe token contract address.
decimalsnumberThe number of significant digits, per smart contract definition.
namestringThe token name.
symbolstringThe token symbol.
amountstringThe total amount of of tokens held by the address.
timestampnumberThe time when the account balance was last changed.
rentExemptReservenumberThe rent exempt reserve (Solana only)
holderstringThe holder address (Solana only)
tokenAddressstringThe token address (Solana only)
tokenAccountAddressstringThe token account address (Solana only)
currencystringThe unit of the price (only returned when "includePrice" parameter equals true).
quotestringThe current quote of the asset - default is ETH (only returned when "includePrice" parameter equals true).
totalstringThe price in the respective currency of the balance field (only returned when "includePrice" parameter equals true).
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!