Batch Historical

Provides batched historical open interest data for multiple futures instruments within a specified date range, including timestamps, open interest values, and contract types across exchanges.


Time Range & Data Availability Limit

The maximum time range (difference between startDate and endDate) is:

  • 62 days of daily, hourly or minutely data
  • This endpoint only stores the most recent 62 days of data.
  • Queries with a startDate older than 62 days from the current date will result in a 410 error.

In order to get more than the maximum allowed, you can use the Historical endpoint found here .


Not specifying startDate and endDate

If you omit startDate and endDate, the API will return the most recent 62 days of daily data (not data older than 62 days from the current date).

JSON Field/PathValue TypeDescription
payload.metadata.nextstringThe URL for the next page of data (nullable if there is no next page).
payload.metadata.api-versionstringThe version of the API used for this request.[].instrumentstringThe instrument or trading pair for which open interest data is recorded (e.g., BTCUSD_PERP).[].exchangestringThe name of the exchange where the open interest data applies (e.g., binance).[].exchangeTimestampintegerThe timestamp from the exchange when the open interest data was recorded.[].exchangeTimestampNanosecondsintegerThe nanoseconds part of the timestamp, representing sub-second precision (usually 0).[].valueintegerThe open interest value at the specified timestamp.[].typestringThe type of the open interest contract (e.g., PERPETUAL).
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!