Historical - Token Supplies by Address

Retrieves the historical token supplies (and derivatives) for the specified address.

Note: This endpoint returns a max of 6 months of historical data. In order to get more than 6 months you must use the startDate & endDate parameters to move the time frame window to get the next n days/months of data.


Blockchains Supported

This endpoint supports Ethereum and Polygon.

Response Data

dataarrayThe historical token supply data.
metadataobjectThe metadata associated with the token supply data.
columnsarrayThe name of the columns associated with the returned data e.g. [ timestamp, numHolders].
timestampnumberThe timestamp associated with this record.
numHoldersnumberThe number of token holders.
totalSupplystringThe total supply of the tokens.
circulatingSupplystringThe circulating supply of the tokens.
startDatenumberThe start of the time frame.
endDatenumberThe end of the time frame.
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