Metrics Historical - Confirmed Blocks

Get metrics for historical confirmed blocks for a given blockchain.
Default metrics are for Ethereum over a 1d tick / 365d lookback period. Changing the header blockchain ID will return that blockchains metrics.


Blockchains Supported

This endpoint supports Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum and Litecoin.

Response Data

baseFeeAveragenumberAverage base fee during this time frame (Ethereum only)
baseFeeMaximumnumberGreatest base fee during this time frame (Ethereum only)
baseFeeMinimumnumberSmallest base fee during this time frame (Ethereum only)
baseFeeTotalnumberTotal base fee during this time frame (Ethereum only)
burntFeeAveragenumberAverage supply of Ether burnt during this time frame (Ethereum only)
burntFeeMaximumnumberGreatest supply of Ether burnt during this time frame (Ethereum only)
burntFeeMinimumnumberSmallest supply of Ether burnt during this time frame (Ethereum only)
burntFeeTotalnumberTotal supply of Ether burnt during this time frame (Ethereum only)
difficultyAveragenumberThe average block difficulty in mining during this time frame
difficultyMaximumnumberThe greatest block difficulty in mining during this time frame
difficultyMinimumnumberThe smallest block difficulty in mining during this time frame
durationAveragenumberThe average time needed to confirm a block. Value is represented in Milliseconds.
durationMaximumnumberThe greatest time needed to confirm a block. Value is represented in Milliseconds.
durationMinimumnumberThe smallest time needed to confirm a block. Value is represented in Milliseconds.
hashrateAveragenumberThe average hashrate used in mining during this time frame
issuanceAveragenumberThe average amount of blockchain cryptocurrency issued for the specified time window. Default is Wei for Ethereum. See full value conversion reference here.
issuanceMaximumnumberThe greatest amount of blockchain cryptocurrency issued for the specified time window. Default is Wei for Ethereum. See full value conversion reference here.
issuanceMinimumnumberThe smallest amount of blockchain cryptocurrency issued for the specified time window. Default is Wei for Ethereum. See full value conversion reference here.
issuanceTotalnumberThe total amount of blockchain cryptocurrency issued for the specified time window. Default is Wei for Ethereum. See full value conversion reference here.
issuanceUnitstringThe base unit used in representing issuance amounts. Default is the base unit of the cryptocurrency. Example: wei for Ethereum's Ether.
sizeAveragenumberThe average size of block data confirmed in the blocks during this time frame
sizeMaximumnumberThe greatest size of block data confirmed in the blocks during this time frame
sizeMinimumnumberThe smallest size of block data confirmed in the blocks during this time frame
sizeTotalnumberThe total size of block data confirmed in the blocks during this time frame
transactionFeeAveragenumberThe average transaction fees paid to miners
transactionFeeMaximumnumberThe greatest transaction fees paid to miners
transactionFeeMinimumnumberThe smallest transaction fees paid to miners
transactionFeeTotalnumberThe total transaction fees paid to miners
transactionsAveragenumberThe average number of transactions confirmed in the blocks during this time frame
transactionsMaximumnumberThe greatest number of transactions confirmed in the blocks during this time frame
transactionsMinimumnumberThe smallest number of transactions confirmed in the blocks during this time frame
transactionsTotalnumberThe total number of transactions confirmed in the blocks during this time frame
timestamptimestampThe timestamp signifying this "tick" of data, this is the time of the close of a tick, in the case of 1d tick, it would be the timestamp of UTC midnight. Default is ISO, but supports MS
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