Information - Assets in Lending Protocols

This API lists the supported assets across the available lending protocols and provides snapshots of aggregate metrics.

Response Data

protocolIdstringThe specific protocol deployment in human readable form
protocolNamestringThe overarching protocol name
protocolVersionnumberThe specific version of the protocol's deployment
blockchainstringThe blockchain that this protocol instance is deployed on
assetIdstringThe smart contract address of this asset
assetSymbolstringThe human readable, short form identifier of this asset
marketstringEach asset can belong to a market on the protocol it is available on
decimalsnumberThe decimals for this asset
borrowRateStablenumberThe fixed borrowing rate for this asset, if applicable in the protocol
borrowRateVariablenumberThe dynamic borrowing rate for this asset, if applicable in the protocol
lendRatenumberThe interest rate for lenders of this asset
totalDepositedUSDnumberThe cumulative US dollar value of deposits for this asset, at an instance in time.

Without endDate, this represents the cumulative US dollar value of all deposits right now i.e. the moment this endpoint was called
totalBorrowedUSDnumberThe cumulative US dollar value of borrows for this assets, at an instance in time.

Without endDate, this represents the cumulative US dollar value of all borrows right now i.e. the moment this endpoint was called
totalLiquidationsUSDnumberThe cumulative US dollar value of all liquidations for this asset, at an instance in time.

Without endDate, this represents the cumulative US dollar value of all liquidations right now i.e. the moment this endpoint was called
loanToValueRationumberThe maximum loan value for this asset. Ranges from 0 to 1.

Example: Suppose we have deposited $100 US dollars worth of this asset. With a loanToValueRatio of 0.8, the maximum borrowing capacity is $80 US dollars (100 * 0.8). An LTV ratio of 0 could mean the asset was frozen by governance due to high volatility or other risk.
isActivebooleantrue indicates that the asset is still active on the protocol and be borrowed or lent. false indicates that activity has been paused due to governance or other events
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