
Retrieves information about supported exchange-pairs for ohlcv.

Response Data

Fields and Paths are relative to the top-level payload field i.e. is equivalent to

data.{exchange}objectExchange object, contains information about the known pairs in the exchange.
data.{exchange}.{pair}objectPair object, contains information about the pair.
data.{exchange}.{pair}.blockchainIdstringThe amberdata internal blockchain identifier.
data.{exchange}.{pair}.addressstringThe address of the pair contract.
data.{exchange}.{pair}.pairNamestringThe name of the pair.
data.{exchange}.{pair}.poolFeesstringThe fees of the pool (pair).
data.{exchange}.{pair}.baseAddressstringThe address of the underlying base for the pair.
data.{exchange}.{pair}.baseNamestringThe name of the underlying base of the pair
data.{exchange}.{pair}.baseSymbolstringThe symbol of the underlying base of the pair.
data.{exchange}.{pair}.baseDecimalsstringThe number of decimals the underlying base of the pair uses
data.{exchange}.{pair}.quoteAddressstringThe address of the underlying quote for the pair.
data.{exchange}.{pair}.quoteNamestringThe name of the underlying quote for the pair.
data.{exchange}.{pair}.quoteSymbolstringThe symbol of the underlying quote for the pair
data.{exchange}.{pair}.quoteDecimalsstringThe number of decimals the underlying quote of the pair uses
data.{exchange}.{pair}.startDatenumberFirst available data point.
data.{exchange}.{pair}.endDatenumberLast available data point.
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