
Provides historical ticker data for futures instruments, including bid, ask, mid prices, volumes, mark and index prices, and sequence information across exchanges.


Time Range Limit

The maximum time range (difference between startDate and endDate) is 731 days (2 years).


Not specifying startDate and endDate

If the startDate and endDate query parameters are not provided, the API will return the data from the previous 24 hours.

🚨 Important Notice for BitMEX Data 🚨

BitMEX’s volume field represents the number of contracts traded, not the volume in the base asset. To obtain the correct volume, users must adjust for contract size using underlyingToPositionMultiplier from our Reference endpoint.

For details on this calculation and how to retrieve the correct values, see our Changelog Update.

JSON Field/PathValue TypeDescription
payload.metadata.nextstringThe URL for the next page of data (nullable if there is no next page).
payload.metadata.api-versionstringThe version of the API used for this request.
payload.data[].instrumentstringThe instrument or trading pair involved in the liquidation (e.g., BTCUSDT).
payload.data[].exchangestringThe name of the exchange where the liquidation occurred (e.g., binance).
payload.data[].exchangeTimestampintegerThe timestamp from the exchange when the liquidation was recorded (e.g., 2024-10-03 14:29:12 201).
payload.data[].exchangeTimestampNanosecondsintegerThe nanoseconds part of the timestamp, representing sub-second precision (usually 0).
payload.data[].bidfloatThe current highest bid price for the instrument.
payload.data[].askfloatThe current lowest ask price for the instrument.
payload.data[].midfloatThe mid-price between the current bid and ask prices.
payload.data[].lastfloatThe last traded price (nullable if not applicable).
payload.data[].bidVolumefloatThe volume of the current bid order.
payload.data[].askVolumefloatThe volume of the current ask order.
payload.data[].lastVolumefloatThe volume of the last trade (nullable if not applicable).
payload.data[].baseVolumefloatThe base volume traded (nullable if not applicable).
payload.data[].quoteVolumefloatThe quote volume traded (nullable if not applicable).
payload.data[].sequencestringThe sequence number of the ticker event.
payload.data[].markPricefloatThe mark price of the instrument.
payload.data[].indexPricefloatThe index price of the instrument.
payload.data[].askTimestampintegerThe timestamp of the ask order (nullable if not available).
payload.data[].bidTimestampintegerThe timestamp of the bid order (nullable if not available).
payload.data[].askTimestampNanosecondsintegerThe nanoseconds part of the ask timestamp (nullable if not available).
payload.data[].bidTimestampNanosecondsintegerThe nanoseconds part of the bid timestamp (nullable if not available).
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!