
Delivers historical ticker data for Spot market trading pairs, providing bid, ask, mid, and last prices, along with respective volumes, timestamps, and sequencing for tracking market price changes over time.


Time Range Limit

The maximum time range (difference between startDate and endDate) is 731 days (2 years).


Not specifying startDate and endDate

If the startDate and endDate query parameters are not provided, the API will return the data from the previous 24 hours.

🚨 Important Notice for BitMEX Data 🚨

BitMEX’s volume field represents the number of contracts traded, not the volume in the base asset. To obtain the correct volume, users must adjust for contract size using underlyingToPositionMultiplier from our Reference endpoint.

For details on this calculation and how to retrieve the correct values, see our Changelog Update.


Fields and paths are relative to the top-level payload field i.e. metadata.next is equivalent to payload.metadata.next.

JSON Field/PathValue TypeDescription
payload.metadata.nextstringThe URL for the next page of results, if there are more results to fetch. It is a paginated cursor that allows the client to retrieve subsequent data.
payload.metadata.api-versionstringThe version of the API being used, indicated as a date string in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
payload.data[{index}].instrumentstringThe trading pair or instrument identifier, such as "eth_usdt".
payload.data[{index}].exchangestringThe name of the exchange where the data originates, such as "binance".
payload.data[{index}].exchangeTimestampnumberThe timestamp from the exchange in milliseconds for when the ticker data was captured.
payload.data[{index}].exchangeTimestampNanosecondsnumberThe timestamp from the exchange in nanoseconds, offering a more precise time for when the ticker data was captured.
payload.data[{index}].bidnumberThe highest bid price available at the time the ticker data was captured.
payload.data[{index}].asknumberThe lowest ask price available at the time the ticker data was captured.
payload.data[{index}].midnumberThe mid-point price between the highest bid and lowest ask prices.
payload.data[{index}].lastnumberThe last traded price, can be null if not available.
payload.data[{index}].bidVolumenumberThe total volume available at the highest bid price.
payload.data[{index}].askVolumenumberThe total volume available at the lowest ask price.
payload.data[{index}].sequencestringThe sequence number for the ticker data provided by the exchange.
payload.data[{index}].askTimestampnumberThe timestamp in milliseconds for when the ask price was last updated. Can be null if not provided.
payload.data[{index}].bidTimestampnumberThe timestamp in milliseconds for when the bid price was last updated. Can be null if not provided.
payload.data[{index}].askTimestampNanosecondsnumberThe timestamp in nanoseconds for when the ask price was last updated. Can be null if not provided.
payload.data[{index}].bidTimestampNanosecondsnumberThe timestamp in nanoseconds for when the bid price was last updated. Can be null if not provided.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!