CSV Format

Returning CSV format is possible in many of the API endpoints. The setup is simple and has a comprehensive flexibility with customization.


Query parameter: format

This parameter specifies the response data format.

noneDefault. JSON data format will be used as response format.
csvComma separated value data will be used as response format.
jsonJSON data format will be used as response format.

*Note: Only applies to endpoints that support format=csv

Example Response:

Endpoint: /market/prices/:pair/historical?format=csv



Query parameter: fields

This parameter specifies the response data format.

noneDefault returns all available fields for the data set.
*fieldsDocumentation differs per endpoint. To understand the available fields, look at the payload key names as these are the same (case sensitive) as the csv field names

*Note: Only applies to endpoints that support format=csv

Example Response:

Endpoint: /transactions?includePrice=true&format=csv&fields=blockNumber,value,fee,price_value_total,statusResult_name
