
Retrieves information about the specified address: network(s) and blockchain(s) this address exist within.


Blockchains Supported

This endpoint supports Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin and Polygon.

Response Data

balancestringThe current balance of the account. See full value conversion reference here.
balanceInstringThe total value that has been transferred into the account. See full value conversion reference here.
Only available for the Ethereum blockchain.
balanceOutstringThe total value that has been transferred out of the account. See full value conversion reference here.
Only available for the Ethereum blockchain.
addressTypestringThe type of address. i.e. contract or eoa.
contractTypearrayAn array of strings corresponding to the type of contract interface/standard. I.e. ERC20, ERC721, .etc
decimalsstringThe number of significant digits, per smart contract definition
name*stringThe name of the contract.
numHolders*stringThe total amount of unique addresses.
numTokensstringTotal number of unique tokens owned by the account.
totalSupply*stringTotal number of tokens in circulation.
numTransfersstringThe total amount of unique transfers where any type of transaction has occurred.
symbol*stringThe token symbol.
totalValueUSD*stringTotal value of all tokens in USD.
unitValueUSD*stringThe value of the token in USD.

*specific to contract addresses

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