Snapshots Historical

Retrieves the order book snapshot data for the specified instrument.


Time Range Limit

The maximum time range (difference between startDate and endDate) is 731 days (2 years).


Not specifying startDate and endDate

If the startDate and endDate query parameters are not provided, the API will return the data from the previous 24 hours.

Response Data

Fields and paths are relative to the top-level payload field i.e. is equivalent to

JSON Field/PathValue TypeOptionalDescription
data[index].timestampstring | numberThe scheduled timestamp of the snapshot.
data[index].instrumentstringThe futures instrument in this order book snapshot.
data[index].exchangestringThe exchange from which the snapshot was retrieved.
data[index].exchangeTimestampstring | number
data[index].ask[index].pricenumberThe ask price of the instrument at this order book level.
data[index].ask[index].volumenumberThe ask volume of the instrument at this order book level.
data[index].ask[index].numOrdersnumberThe ask number of orders of the instrument at this order book level.
data[index].ask[index].orderSequencestringYesSome exchanges provide individual sequence values for order levels.
data[index].ask[index].orderTimestampstring | numberYesSome exchanges provide individual timestamps for order levels.
data[index].bid[index].pricenumberThe bid price of the instrument at this order book level.
data[index].bid[index].volumenumberThe bid volume of the instrument at this order book level.
data[index].bid[index].numOrdersnumberThe bid number of orders of the instrument at this order book level.
data[index].bid[index].orderSequencestringYesSome exchanges provide individual sequence values for order levels.
data[index].bid[index].orderTimestampstring | numberYesSome exchanges provide individual timestamps for order levels.
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