Term Structure Floating

This endpoint returns the term structure (for exchange listed expirations) with forward volatility calculations.

payload.metadata.api-versionstringVersion of the API.
payload.data[index].asknumberThe ask.
payload.data[index].askIvnumberThe ask implied volatility.
payload.data[index].askVolumenumberThe ask size.
payload.data[index].bidnumberThe bid.
payload.data[index].bidIvnumberThe bid implied volatility.
payload.data[index].bidVolumenumberThe bid size.
payload.data[index].currencystringThe currency
payload.data[index].deltanumberThe greek delta value of the underlying option.
payload.data[index].exchangestringThe name of the exchange.
payload.data[index].exchangeTimestampnumber | stringThe date & time as provided by the exchange.
payload.data[index].expirationTimestampnumber | stringThe expiration timestamp.
payload.data[index].gammanumberThe greek gamma value of the underlying option.
payload.data[index].hifiTimestampnumber | stringThe date & time of the aggregated record.
payload.data[index].indexPricenumberThe index price (spot).
payload.data[index].instrumentstringThe name of the instrument as provided by exchange.
payload.data[index].instrumentNormalizedstringThe name of the instrument in Amberdata format.
payload.data[index].isAtmbooleanThe "at-the-money" flag for the given expiration cycle. Each expiration has exactly one ATM put and ATM call.
payload.data[index].isCarryForwardbooleanWhether this record was a carry forward from the previous data point (if there is not quote updates, the most recent quote is carried forward).
payload.data[index].isExchangeProvidedGreeksbooleanWhether the Greeks were provided by the exchange or calculated by Amberdata.
payload.data[index].markPricenumberThe mark price.
payload.data[index].markIvnumberThe mark implied volatility.
payload.data[index].multipliernumberThe contract multiplier.
payload.data[index].openInterestnumberThe open interest at the time of this record.
payload.data[index].putCallstringWhether this record is a put or a call.
payload.data[index].rhonumberThe greek rho value of the underlying option.
payload.data[index].strikestringThe strike price.
payload.data[index].thetanumberThe greek theta value of the underlying option.
payload.data[index].underlyingPricenumberThe underlying price (ex: Deribit options are future options, the underlying is not spot but the corresponding future).
payload.data[index].veganumberThe greek vega value of the underlying option.
payload.data[index].volumenumberThis is the 24hr rolling volume.

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